Case studies

Explore From Lab to Business

The Warrant Innovation Lab service that supports the universities, start-ups, and research centres that make up Italy's innovation ecosystem, encourages technology transfer from research labs to business, develops innovative skills, and enriches corporate know-how through the introduction of pioneering content.

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Tracking and tracing - Global fashion brand

Patent Box concession
R&D cost reporting and calculation of the Nexus Ratio for each year of the Patent Box concession

Electronics 4.0

Electronics & High Tech
Industry 4.0
Verification of compliance of capital goods with technical requirements established by Industry 4.0 legislation

High tech: assessment of intangible assets

Electronics & High Tech
Intangible asset assessment
Technical and financial assessment of technology know-how

Pharmaceutical know-how

Health and Pharmaceuticals
Intangible asset assessment
Technical and financial assessment of intangible assets

Technical assessment of intangible assets

Patent Box concession
Defining and outlining the company's know-how and use of legal protection tools

Patent box concession: opportunities for agro-food companies

Patent Box concession
Calculation of the financial contribution of trademarks to business income

Advanced digital catalogue

Technology scouting
Innovative and integrated solutions for the management of all information concerning clients' products to support marketing and sales activities

Smart maintenance: Augmented reality

Research and development
Study and design of a new cloud platform featuring augmented reality for remote management and supervision of maintenance work

Smart waste management

Public sector
Business process management
Study, analysis, and assessment of innovative software solutions for planning on-demand waste collection