Spotlight on other case studies

Guidelines on cookies and other tracking methods

Management of cookies according to the Guidelines of the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data issued on 10 June 2021

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Technical assessment of intangible assets

Industry: Packaging
Service: Patent Box concession

Definition and outlining of the company's Know-How and use of legal protection tools.


With over 5.5 billion units produced every year and a total turnover of over €230 million, this company - which sells its products in over 100 countries worldwide - specialises in the design and production of high-end containers for perfumery and distilled products and lead glass containers and tableware. The company, which has a wealth of internal technical and technology Know-How, came to us with a need to carry out an in-depth technical assessment of this asset, including determining its levels of legal protection in relation to the Patent Box scheme requirements.


An in-depth analysis was performed to examine the technical and technology aspects of the company's experience and internal information that make up its industrial Know-How. At the same time, this Know-How was assessed in terms of the protection measures in place in relation to the Patent Box requirements, i.e. examining the measures taken by the company to protect information both internally and externally. This analysis also provided ideas about further measures that could be implemented within the company in order to ensure more comprehensive protection of the company's Know-How.


  • Definition and formalisation of corporate experience and information (Know-How) which generate additional value for the company.
  • Introduction of new measures to protect and ensure confidentiality of the corporate information constituting Know-How.
  • Preparation of appropriate documents supporting the company's Know-How for the purposes of the Patent Box scheme.

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